

The festival is made possible thanks to

Thanks to the cooperation of the municipality Meerhout, Province of Antwerp, Meerhout-police, Federal-Geel, Flemish Cross, Kon. Harm. Sint-Jorisgilde, the neighbourhood, ALL volunteer co-operators, our streetteam, all the booking agencies, managements, bands, labels and press involved.

Hardlifepromotion, Coding Bram Gerinckx, Design Dominic Van Heupen, Inge Baeten (proofreader), Tom & Christophe (press/interviews), Stageco, Just Like Your Mom vegan & veggie catering, V&H renting, JCIT Consulting, TJL Tents, GTS Containers, Kick Backline, ATL renting, YAP vzw, Cambré Events, Toptents, Senior Snacks, Java, Molotov, WTL, Pidpa, Fisser, Tower Eye, DNCS, Webu-environment, Publia, Maxevent, Swanenberg, Rent 4 event, ... and YOU!

Tom Boeckx, you're always in our hearts, we won't forget you!


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